Custom Round Advertising Balloon

 İsmi Yuvarlak Balon
Modeli Yuvarlak Balonlar
Uzunluğu 1 Metre, 1,5 Metre, 2 Metre
Genişliği 1 Metre, 1,5 Metre, 2 Metre
Kumaş Paraşüt, Oxfort, Sotina, Branda
Motor Voltajı: 220
Wat: 380
Frenaks: 50Hz
Debi: 1850m3
Devir: 3000 d/d
Kandansator: 6 uf
Koruma Sınıfı: 10×2
Yalıtım Sınıfı: Insuation class
50 watt slikonlu led (sudan etkilenmez)
Dikiş: Caton 50 numara ip
Baskı: transfer baskı
Yağmur ve kar altında çalışabilme özelliği
Sıfır Derecede yıkanabilir.
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  • Custom Round Advertising Balloon is Eye-Catching: Moving advertisements attract more attention than static ones, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience.
  • Custom Round Advertising Balloon is Memorable: Motion-based ads are more memorable than static ones, making your advertisement more impactful.
  • Custom Round Advertising Balloon Generates Interest: Moving advertisements are engaging and entertaining, increasing viewer interest in your brand.
  • Custom Round Advertising Balloon Helps Reach the Target Audience: Outdoor advertising reaches a broad audience, and moving advertisements provide a more effective way to engage them.
  • Custom Round Advertising Balloon is Customizable: Fully customizable to tailor your message for a more targeted audience.

Outdoor custom-designed moving advertisements are particularly beneficial for:

  • Businesses launching a new product or service
  • Companies aiming to enhance brand awareness
  • Businesses looking to expand their target audience
  • Promoting sales or special campaigns

Outdoor custom-designed moving advertisements are an effective tool to help businesses achieve their marketing goals.